Monday, April 23, 2012

My Organizational Challange

Last week I took on this 4 Weeks to a More Organized Home project and it's been going great!  I started in the middle of the week, and one of the days I was gone all day and didn't get anything done, but I finished the first 2 days of the challenge.

Day #1: I cleaned out my diaper bag

I love my new ThirtyOne bag :)

Had my coffee while planning my goals for the day/week.

I even had time to make a batch of bread!

I found that organizing my day out made it possible to get much more done than I usually do!

Day #2: I cleaned out my fridge and quick-cleaned the kitchen while N took her morning nap.

It was a rainy day so I put Thunderstorm in my Scentsy warmer.

I also gathered items for our yard sale coming up in a month. It's amazing how much stuff we have that we don't use/need!

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