Thursday, July 31, 2014

My Oils Adventure

I recently delved into the world of essential oils! Not just any old oils, but high-quality, Certified Pure Therapeutic Grade oils produced and distributed by doTERRA. I became a Wellness Advocate with doTERRA about 6 months ago, and I'm pleased to say that my family has greatly benefited from these wonderful products!

I used melaleuca + oregano for healing ringworm: I combined these two oils with some coconut oil and applied it 3x a day for about 4 days, and it totally cleared up! By the end of the week, it was gone. I was thrilled!

We use OnGuard often: I diffuse it to cleanse the air and protect our immune systems. I also take On Guard softgels any time I feel a sore throat coming on. Within a matter of hours I feel better!

I love the citrus oils for detoxing and cleansing: Lemon, Lime, Grapefruit, and Wild Orange. They all cleanse and uplift.

I've helped several friends and relatives with emotional issues as well. Balance is calming, grounding, and helps reduce anxiety. Vetiver is wonderful for mind-chatter, sleepless nights, and calming stress. Serenity helps my babies sleep better and is calming over-all.

If you're interested in trying these products, visit my page here and enjoy browsing and learning more:


Wednesday, July 30, 2014

2 years?!


It's been two years since I've written anything on here! Much too long
I will definitely have to make up for lost time...
Since my last post, we've moved and had another baby! We moved to a little house in a quieter neighborhood, and now have a little boy along with our 3 year old girl :) Life has been full of home improvement projects, raising a family, seminary (for the hubby), travel around the east coast, becoming a doTERRA wellness advocate, learning to encapsulate placentas (a service I now offer to the birth community!), taking on craft projects, spending time with friends, serving in a variety of areas at our church, and just growing and learning each day.

Hopefully I can do better with being faithful to blogging (fingers crossed!)

Tuesday, August 14, 2012

The Great Outdoors

This weekend was my husband's birthday! We celebrated by taking a last-minute camping trip on Sunday night through Monday evening. His company gave all their employees their birthdays off, so since his was over the weekend, he got Monday as his day off. We packed the car, stopped to buy hot dogs and bug repellant, then drove to Fayetteville, WV for our adventure! It was so refreshing to be totally unplugged, to spend a day and a half with no people around, no street lights, no traffic.
Norah absolutely loved it! Between riding in the backpack carrier and playing in the dirt, she was worn out and dirty but thrilled to experience something new :)

Definitely made some special memories together this weekend!


Saturday, July 28, 2012

Fireworks! On July 28th?

We had a big surprise tonight-- it made us jump off the couch-- fireworks at the Capitol, literally our backyard. 

We climbed out on the roof (thankfully N stayed sound asleep-- I have no idea how she slept through that) and enjoyed our own private fireworks show <3 

Romantic :]


Thursday, July 26, 2012

Random Acts of Kindness Birthday!

Today for my birthday, I chose to take a few hours to serve others, to celebrate my life by giving and serving others instead of myself. It was fun and encouraging, and I almost came to tears a couple times!
Here's how my day went....

1. I mailed some postcards of encouragement to a few elderly ladies in our church.

2. I wrote a thank-you card to our mailman and put a coupon inside to Chilis for free queso-and-chips.

 3. I cleaned N's room and bagged up clothes, toys, books, and blankets she doesn't need anymore.

4. I went to the Dollar Store and bought 4 coloring books and boxes of crayons for the children's area at Ear Nose & Throat Surgeons at St. Frances (as a little girl, I spent hours here due to chronic ear infections and tubes in my ears). The receptionist kept thanking me and sounded so happy and surprised :)

5. While at the Dollar Store, I was asked if I wanted to donate $1 of school supplies to those in need. I always say no to these "Would you like to donate $1 to ____" [I know, I'm awful] so I said yes today :) 

6. I gathered up shoes I haven't worn in ages to donate to Union Mission. 

7. I went to Women's & Children's (where we have been going for years since this is where my former and now N's current pediatrician is located) and gave the parking lot attendant $2 to pay for the next car that needed it. The older gentleman working looked at me, confused, until I explained that I just wanted to do something nice, that I wasn't coming to park. He was shocked and kept saying thank you :) Made me feel happy! Now I want to go back and do something nice for HIM. It was so hot out and he had to be at least 60 years old. I think next time N and I go by there, I'll give him a cold bottle of water or gatorade...

8. I baked cookies yesterday, and surprised my dad with a plate of them at his office for him and his coworkers to share! Everyone loved seeing pretty little N, especially Grandpa =D

9. I delivered a plate of the cookies (Mickey Mouse shaped) to our favorite librarians at the Library Commission inside the WV Culture Center. They were so excited!

10. While there, I filled my parking meter up with coins before leaving.

11. I left notes of encouragement on neighbor's cars and cars in the hospital parking lot at St. Frances.

12. I planned on surprising my mom and grandma with mocha frappes but it was so hot out, I knew they would melt before I could get to their house. So I promised them that next week we'll go out and get some ice cream or mocha frappes together :)

At the end of the day, my husband and I went to Chili's for dinner and then with my birthday money from my grandma, I bought myself a new belt at a cute boutique in the mall, Francesca's

It was a very special birthday, I loved it all

Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Shaving Cream Painting day

This afternoon, I mixed up a fun activity for my girlie-- Shaving Cream Bath Paints! I found the idea on none other than Pinterest. Shaving cream mixed with a little food coloring.
Super easy
Super cheap
Super confined play ;)

It rinsed off easily and was a nice change of pace from her normal playtime.
